Use Customer Class in Prompt Distribution Solution

Distribution ERP Software
What facilities/attributes your account master should be enabled with
- Cheque Name
- Limit Days
- Grace period
- Limit Amount
- Limit bills
- Customer Class
- Route
- Customised Code
- Credit/Debit Note and its rate profile
- Contacts details
- Licensing details and its validity
- Permanently deactivate for transaction
- Customised rate profile
- Customised Discount profile
- Customised Scheme profile
- Customised Productwise Discount profile
- Customised Billing profile
- Invoice format for mail
- Auto notify about outstanding
- Whether Institute or not
- GST registered or not
- Banking details
- When Account type is Bank – Bank Account number to be mentioned
- Sales return limit
- Credit Days
- TDS/TCS applicable or not and how much along with Threshold
- Destination Country, Port
- Currency
- Scheme to be passed or not
- Allowed for return or not
Every above attribute has a certain use case which allows Distribution businesses to manage operations efficiently while dealing with customers or suppliers or any other account.
Customer Class
Use Case: Its useful when you want to set Key performance indicators of the customers you are serving. You can name the class of customers and set KPIs in our Customer Class master from Master – Account – Customer Class. Then select the appropriate customer class in the master of the respective parties.
Usefulness: Its useful to analyse which customer class is giving how much business and growth analysis. You can rework on classification based on the output you get from the reports.
We shall continue with other attributes in next blog. Stay tuned on https:/
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