What can a Distribution ERP do for you?


 Sales a Crucial Part of Business

When sales happen, the enterprise survives and grows. So, focus on the process and set righteous Software technology in place to work.

Procurement, a vital business driver

Make the most out of procurement with the help of intelligent brain fitted in Software working for you, anytime!


Tighten grip over Sales Returns

Real-time notification about sales transactions and that too from a deep ocean of data, makes it sure that you are not getting into trouble by accepting unauthenticated sales returns.

Deliver and become the first choice

You actually win confidence and loyalty of customers when you deliver full order, on time with engaging notifications. Be resilient with right set of Software modules, mobility in place.


Financials are key to Success

Strong financials means better future. Make sure you manage all transactions accurately and with maximum operating profits. Don’t loose on any front and let your customer don’t loose, even!

Working at Multiple Locations keeps you on Top

Manage your operations at multiple locations with more robust, enriched and ever enhancing PaaS Platform backed by Prompt in Collaboration with Microsoft

Your Data is your Growth engine

Make the most out of you do with Analysis and Insightful stories of your data. Stay ahead of all the folks in the game.

Interactions makes difference

Use all set of communication tools embedded in software to interact with your customers and all stack holders meaningfully.

Control over processes is the want of every Management

When you work on potential scale you need control over every process users perform, also you need audit trail to avoid facing critical issues. PromptERP makes this better.

Taxation Compliance is crucial

Retrieve all key compliance reports in clicks and manage them efficiently and timely. Stay up to date with whatever changes at compliance part from Government.

Digitization, key to go green and Scale Up

Sales, Pick and Pack, Purchase, Returns, Delivery, Financials, Claims, HR, Visits, Data Insights, Communication, Mobility, Cloud everything digital. 

Cloud Migration is the future

Improve on Security, Data breach and be agile to manage everything you need at IT front, Prompt has great collaboration with IT Market leaders like Microsoft, AWS, Google to fulfil the need.

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